Over his career, Bob Allen has authored and coauthored several articles that have been published in respected publications. These include:
- Emerging Issues: Global Warming Claims and Coverage Issues, 76 Defense Counsel Journal 12 (2009)
- Supreme Court Ruling on the Fair Credit Reporting Act and Auto Insurers’ Use of Insurance Scores to Set Premiums, 75 Defense Counsel Journal 151 (2008)
- Declaratory Judgments in Federal Court: The Forum Battle, 10 For The Defense February 1996
- Forum Battles from the Insurer’s Perspective, 4 Coverage 27 (Nov/Dec 1994)
- Discovery of Reserves in Insurance Litigation, 3 Coverage 28 (Vol. 3 No. 4 1993)
- Excess Carriers’ Complaints about Primary Carriers’ Claims Handling: The Stowers Doctrine in a New Frontier, 4 Texas Bad Faith Bulletin 1 (July 1992)
- Dealing with Relevant But Overburdensome Discovery Requests in Insurance Litigation, 1 Coverage 11 (Vol. 2 Winter 1990)
Additionally, Bob Allen frequently prepares CLE Papers and Casenotes for clients and organization newsletters
- Texas Courts are now Considering Extrinsic Evidence with Respect to the Duty to Defend (June 2022)
- Texas Supreme Court to Decide Whether a Declaratory Judgment Action is the Proper Way to Assert an Underinsured Motorist Claim (January 7, 2021)
- Texas Supreme Court to Decide Two Eight-Corner Duty to Defend Cases This Term, IADC Committee Newsletter (2020)
- Excess vs. Primary Stowers Doctrine Bench Trial Reveals Inciteful Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law (October 15, 2019)
- American Guarantee and Liability Insurance Company v. ACE an American Insurance Company (September 11, 2019)
- Attorneys Fees in Insurance Litigation: What Works and What Doesn’t (November 11, 2016)
- Gilbert, Lennar and Ewing Outside of the Construction Context (November 13, 2014)
- Recent Developments in Texas Insurance and Bad Faith Law (October 2014)
- Fifth Circuit Sorts Out Allocation of Defense Costs in Complicated Construction Defect Coverage Situation (May 31, 2012)
- Texas Supreme Court Holds that Stop-Loss Insurance is Direct Health Insurance and not Reinsurance (May 18, 2012)
- Fifth Circuit Rejects an Insurer’s Attempt to Allocate Defense Costs Pro Rata Over Multiple Policies (April 23, 2012)
- Fifth Circuit Rules that Underwriters Must, for now, Continue to Pay Defense Costs for Defendants in the Stanford Ponzi Scheme (March, 2010)
- Interesting Decisions on Improper Joinder of an Adjuster:Similar Facts, Same District and Division, but Different Results (October 2009)
- Fifth Circuit Applies Fairfield to Find that Texas Public Policy Prohibits Coverage for Punitive Damages under a CGL Policy (June 2008)
- TIG v Aon Re, Statute of Limitations for disputes between reinsurers and brokers (March 2008)