PRO BONO: Bob Allen Convinces Health Insurer to Retract a Coverage Termination for a Prematurely Born Baby
December 15, 2016
Upon learning of the plight of parents faced with their health insurance being canceled for their prematurely born baby because her birth certificate was not sent into the company within 60 days of her birth, Bob Allen took on their representation on a pro bono basis. There were hundreds of thousands of dollars in incurred medical costs at stake and a doctor was refusing to perform an important procedure because of the lack of insurance.
Although it required multiple calls, an appeal of the denial and a request for an immediate response, coverage was retroactively reinstated in full. Bob says that “this is a truly wonderful result; just in time for Christmas. We were persistent, however, we were never threatening. We simply made sure that the record was clear. From there, everything worked itself out.”
The Mother was understandably grateful: “This has been an amazing day! I truly cannot thank you enough for going to bat for us on this, Bob! I am extremely confident that it was the pressure you put on them that got us to this point.”