Firm News

Court Rules for LORDA Client Steadfast Insurance Co. and Awards Independent Counsel a Mere 5.7% of a Requested Fee

This slam dunk win was reported in the Texas Lawyer and was profiled by national defense bar organization DRI. As part of the 25 page Memorandum Order, the court ruled that “the vast majority of the sought-after fees and expenses were not reasonable, necessary, or related to defending the Bonnemas against the Barrow Cross-Claim and/or Guardian Counterclaim. The Court rejects Bergman’s claim for $350,000 in fees and expenses and limits the recovery of the fees and expenses that are subject of this suit to $19,660.”

Based on the fact that Steadfast had already tendered $19,660 (the amount of reasonable and necessary fees advanced by Steadfast’s expert) to the independent counsel, the federal court rendered a take nothing judgment against the insured and its independent counsel (who intervened in the case), dismissed with prejudice their causes of action against Steadfast and awarded Steadfast its court costs.